Education Fund

The Rev. Joseph Carra Education Fund, established in May 1992 in commemoration of the late Rev. Joseph Carra (P.I.M.E.), a prominent Catholic educator and former Supervisor of Raimondi College, is a recognized charitable organization for the promotion of education in Hong Kong. The high cost for senior secondary education, the soaring university tuition fees together with expensive textbooks and reference books as well as other related expenditures have prompted Raimondi College to set up this education fund to help needy and deserving students.

為紀念意大利米蘭宗座外方傳教會會士祁良神父而設的祁良 神父教育基金,於一九九二年五月成立。祁良神父是高主教書院 的創辦人及首任校監,也是一位傑出的天主教教育家。高主教書 院設立這項教育基金,一方面延續了祁良神父的遺願,推動本港 的教育工作;另一方面,亦為清貧的莘莘學子提供經濟支持,使 他們能負擔不斷上昇的高中和大學費用、價值高昂的課本、參考 書及其他沉重的教育支出,安心完成學業。

Fr. Carra Edu. Fund


Education Fund
